Wednesday, September 15

This week's show is brought to you by the letter S

It's drag racing with 67 Special on Tyranny of Distance!
67 Special will be back to visit, this time for a live set from Studio Five. Hey There Bomb! is their five track EP featuring the title track and latest single Last Drag. Straight from a massive East Coast tour with rock lords Dallas Crane where 67 Special strutted and posed like they were born for the big stage in convincing rockstar style, they'll be bringing you their own take of soulful r'n'b rock on Tuesday September 21. Live is where they do it best, so listen in.

Not just that! Spod - the oh so secksy and pink Spod, he of inimitable spazz electro mutant rock fame - will be calling from a phone somewhere. Hiz new albumette Eternal Championz, out now, will be a feature of hiz show at the Evelyn on Brunzwick Street September 24.

And the always lovable Screamfeeder who are celebrating the band's age (around about 12 years) with a collection of very old and rather new tunes and lots in between on Introducing: Screamfeeder. Don't miss Screamfeeder when they tell me what's happened and what's happening this week on Tyranny Of Distance.

And of course the AFL finals will come to an interstate end this Saturday. After the formalities, parties and beer, head on down to the Espy's Gershwin Room for some rock and roll with this week's guests 67 Special and a great line up including The Hovercrafts, Bad Girls of the Bible, 1QA, From Hell, Wax Mannequin, Season, Doctor Invisiablo, First Time Hookers and me, on the decks from 5.30pm. Go the Lions!! And only $5 for subscribers!